Maîtrise statistique des procédés

TIME: 3 DAYS (21 hours)


Basic concepts of descriptive statistics
Déroulé des 5 phases de la mise en place du MSP sur un processus donné
Determination of the preliminary capability of the manufacturing process
Construction of control charts
Control by control card
Determination of the long-term capability of the manufacturing process


Applications sur Excel


Evaluation methods

Quizzes are offered to evaluate the acquisition of your skills



Level BTEC scientific with basic knowledge of Excel



2 130€ HT * **

* A 15% discount is given to CAFMET members
** For distance learning, a 10% discount is applied


Teaching aids

Pratical exercices
File given to each participant
Provide a laptop computer for each participant



Connaître des bases en statistiques
Savoir évaluer la capabilité du processus de fabrication
Mettre en place des cartes de contrôle 


Analyser et exploiter les résultats obtenus


Target audience

Tout professionnel 
Techniciens et ingénieurs qualité, méthodes,- industrialisation, production, fabrication
Any interested public



CAFMET is an international non-profit, independent and impartial body. Since 2005, it has contributed to the good development of Metrology and Quality, particularly in Africa.

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