Plans d’expériences

DUREE : 5 JOURS (35 heures)


Vocabulary and definitions
Basic concepts in descriptive statistics
Identify the conditions for the implementation of experimental designs
Build experimental designs adapted to the problems encountered
Analyser les résultats d’un plan
Outils d’aide à l’interprétation
Practical work: application on software for different examples

Evaluation methods

Quizzes are offered to evaluate the acquisition of your skills



Basic practice in statistics and mathematics


Basic knowledge of Excel



3 550€ HT * **

* A 15% discount is given to CAFMET members
** For distance learning, a 10% discount is applied

Teaching aids

Études de cas concrets
Provide a laptop computer for each participant


File given to each participant


Élaborer et mettre en œuvre une méthodologie expérimentale détaillée en fonction des objectifs recherchés et des contraintes expérimentales
Choose the appropriate strategy for the construction of experimental designs
Analyze test results and interpret and validate the information obtained


Target audience

Engineers and technicians in research and development departments
Membres de bureau d’études, conception, industrialisation, fabrication, qualité
Quality controllers



CAFMET is an international non-profit, independent and impartial body. Since 2005, it has contributed to the good development of Metrology and Quality, particularly in Africa.

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